Thursday, July 18, 2024

Cast of Characters: Irregular Fantasy! Part 13

The conclusion of this series; we'll be introducing all of the currently-planned characters in TAPAS's upcoming series Irregular Fantasy!, based on David Morgan-Mar's webcomic Irregular Webcomic! In short, it's a typical RPG adventure set in a typical fantasy world, taking the silly atmosphere of the comic and making it our own.

Spoiler warning: While this presentation will try to avoid any details about backgrounds, plotlines, or relationships in order to focus entirely on the characters and not give away the story, some details that might be considered spoilers will inevitably leak through now and then.

It's our final chapter of this series, where we meet characters encountered in a later-ish story arc taking place in elven lands. And then... miscellaneous.

These character concepts were drawn by me and therefore aren't very good. Linework and color by Naty Jenfjord.

Click on the images to zoom in and read the descriptions.

And that's it for this Irregular Fantasy! series. As of this posting, we've put out the pilot in literary prologue form, and from there we're working on more of that to get the story out of our system while we continue the slow process of creating the motion comic.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Draw #12: Jack Stegman

A running series for the TAPAS blog. I wrote down names on little slips of paper, the names of everyone currently in the TAPAS Facebook group and Discord server, 41 people altogether, and will be drawing one name every so often to write about them and their history with the group.

Today we're going with one of the OG members of the TAPAS team, Jack Stegman.

One of my oldest friends, I met Jack at Red Rocks Community College. My icebreaker was that I was putting together a fandub of The Order of the Stick - that really never panned out, but I think I might look into TAPAS doing that once the whole series is over... it's still going, it's a 20-year-old D&D stick figure comic at this point, but it's definitely in its final story arc.

Jack was eventually invited into the chat room where I met all my DeviantArt buddies who eventually became Team Salmon, the core crew of TAPAS and Stuff Productions. From there she was a big part of Whirlwind, our D&D campaign - I intend now to make the setting of that campaign the base setting of the AE:GIS game system, and for all the players to take part in retelling the story. Just as a story, we don't have time to campaign it, but we will be playing some semi-canon games to help us build the settings, starting soon in the Keys & Kingdoms universe...

Like Ziya in the previous entry, Jack's had a prominent place in some of my Jackbox Party Pack videos - oh, and a reaction to Killer Bean Forever that we filmed four years ago that I never got around to editing, I really ought to do that sometime...

In short, Jack's not a creative type as much as most of my people, but she is... forever one of my people.