Monday, April 6, 2020


It's April now, there goes the first quarter of 2020. Didn't quite get everything done that I wanted to in the first quarter, but hey, we got done more than we usually do, that's not a bad goal in itself.

Audition period is halfway over, and not one single person has auditioned outside of Team Salmon's own Stacy and Kenzie. It's been recommended that I make a video explaining my passion for the project and, like, continue nagging everybody. That would not intuitively be my choice of what to do, but that's what the theatre folks are suggesting.

My mom is more of the opinion that I should just shelve the whole thing, bring it back on the first of May, which would certainly have been a much more sensible thing to do to start with, since I won't be moving to Quincy until early June anyway. I just wanted to see some auditions and be ready ahead of time, just so I felt like I was achieving something... then the virus came along, seemingly moments afterward...

Wrote a teaser trailer for The Choices. That was a fun thing to do, excited for you to see it.

And... that's all I got this week. This being a new month, a new quarter, I threw out a few lines, making some additional progress with some stuff. It's good.

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