Monday, March 30, 2020

Two-Year Anniversary

This installment of the blog will drop a few days after March 28, 2020 - the two-year anniversary of TAPAS. While the first TAPAS project was released on the YouTube channel on November 14, 2018, I consider the founding of the group to have happened eight months earlier. With your permission, I'd like to tell you the story of how TAPAS was founded.

So, it was two years ago... in March... we founded TAPAS.

Okay, with that out of the way, let's look at what TAPAS has accomplished in two years. ...Well, from where I'm standing, it appears to be jack squat. Just a few video series, that update on an absurdly irregular basis, that absolutely no one watches. It's entirely my fault, of course. How can I wish to make it as some sort of creator when I can barely function as a human being?

It's fine... I'm fine... we're getting somewhere. I always knew I could never do this by myself, and it seems like I'm finally surrounding myself with people I can rely on. Same people I was surrounded with for those first two years, but, you know, nobody's perfect, I feel very lucky that so many people got the opportunity to start working all at once. ...That was before the coronavirus situation came to light, incidentally.

Let's take a look at the tasks that were set for the month of March. Pages 2 and 3 of the Deities Project, those got done. Real pretty. Here, I'll pack the project as it stands so far here onto the blog:

Lots and lots of deities, but the project isn't even halfway over yet. Doesn't serve any particular purpose, but it's super-fun. So, everything else that was on the agenda for March, let's take a look:

Keys & Kingdoms, the storyboards and preparing for the rest of the season, and auditioning roles... struggling. Writing Luno Canyon... struggling. Recreating Whirlwind... struggling. Planning out Kingdom Butts, let's see, yep, struggling. And rewriting the Some Sweet Kind of Vampire pilot, struggling with that as well, it's all a struggle, that's all I ever do. I struggle to keep my head on straight at work without completely breaking apart, and I struggle to have so much as a movement or thought when I'm away from work. Things I need to do are easy, people are depending on me to do that. Things I want to do are nearly impossible.

It was unfair of me to say that no one watches the YouTube channel. Team Salmon watch it. The fact that the channel is watched by people I love rather than hordes of strangers, well, I probably shouldn't feel bitter about that. I should probably be grateful, wouldn't you say? Yeah. Gotta change my attitude.

And here's Team Salmon as they'd appear in the RWBY universe, drawn by Stacy with varying degrees of input from the rest of us. We debated using our real names and theming the characters' looks after the meanings of our first and last names -- that would have given a nice "Easter and Christmas" theme based on the meanings of Stacy and Naty's names -- but in the end we decided on option B: following RWBY's color-themed naming rule, with our real initials so we can still be Team SSMN. This was a fun little side project. Could have used my real first name, but there's already a RWBY character with the first name Sage (and another with the surname Mann, weirdly enough) so I wanted to mix it up.

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