Monday, January 25, 2021

Gettin' Started

As of this writing, it is the same day as the previous blog was posted -- today is a day I don't want to forget. As I alluded then, Mason and I went to see Isaac at the studio to talk about the project, and he offered his facilities and assistance for a very reasonable price, because he just likes assisting with creativity! So that was great. I hope we've started a long-term relationship there.

We also talked about work at the meeting, where Mason brought up a job opening at his workplace, the sound department of Quincy's news station. So, that's something to attempt, I was talking about employment earlier, after all...

Before that, my grandpa came over to bring me some soup. He just had a big old tupperware full of extra chicken soup, and he thought I'd like it. After that, he invited me out for some burgers, and we did that, and then we went down to the Mississippi River to watch some eagles swoop around and catch fish! A very cool and unexpected diversion to my day.

And then before that, well, I got to talking to my mom about the ways that cruel things she's said, things she doesn't remember saying, things she was sure she never said because of how harsh they were, still stick with me many years later. "The axe forgets, but the tree remembers," I told her, and among other things, that got through to her. She believed me and she cried and she was sorry. And I forgave her and she took it all to heart, and I felt a ton of weight lift off me, like, all of a sudden I felt like I had the ability to do all the healthy lifestyle things that heavy depression had been blocking from me. Things like meditation, exercising, er, well, that's pretty much it, I can't imagine some miraculous new courage at making phone calls. But clearly some emotional clog is cleared and I can channel some new energy in the correct direction, toward my future.

Well, that's what my Monday looked like, and the only part I remotely expected was the meeting at the studio. Can't wait to see what else this week has in store before I post this next Monday.

Not all that much, as it turns out. Just continuing with the steps we've been on. Only new thing, we've gotten started on the TAPAS banner! A big image to put at the top of all our web pages and stuff. It's going to feature many TAPAS original characters, previews of what's in store, from the fine pens of Stacy Lord, Casey Gosselin, and my own fiancee and co-founder, Nathalie Jenfjord.

Still for sure have to be careful going forward, all this creativity ain't free. It matters more to me than life, to be sure, but how can I turn a profit on it so I can survive to make more stuff...? Perhaps there's someone I can consult. ...That's probably not a cliffhanger for next week. Something to save for Phase Two, which begins, well... in at least five weeks, still must first complete that elusive Podcast #52 that was meant to represent the first year of TAPAS, even though it's been nearly three years at this point. Being fairly productive, podcast-wise, so that symbolic end of a new era and the start of TAPAS Phase Two, it's on the horizon.

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