Monday, February 1, 2021


Musing about a new way of going about things, I think it's time to bow to conventional wisdom and set up a buffer. Finish a whole bunch of things before I have any intention of releasing them to the public, and then later on I'll be able to release them at a steady pace. Lots of work now for much less later down the road.

This assumes doing anything at all is possible. Thus far, off to a bad start. Really need to rewire my entire brain.

Still, trying out this buffer thing, and with that in mind... won't be much TAPAS stuff released for a while. Though Naty and I have been discussing some ideas for other content. I was invested in reaction videos for a time, seemed a guaranteed channel-grower, but with everyone scattered around so much, and reaction videos requiring so many different components, some of which are kind of illegal, I think we'll save that for when video-conferencing is not one of the balls that has to be kept in the air at the time, we'll wait until we have people who can actually hang out together with a single camera pointed at them.

In the meantime, other things to do, in particular I had a lot of brainwaves last night about bringing The Trivia Box to life as a purely virtual game show, we'll see how that goes.

This buffer thing, especially worth considering as the anniversary draws near. Not for another two months or so, third anniversary of TAPAS is near the end of March and I intend to actually celebrate it with something purty cool this time. Stay tuned.

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