Monday, May 31, 2021

End of May

Well, I can't say that nobody reads the blog anymore. I'll miss the running gag, but having engagement is, obviously, so much better. Thank you for your time. Keep it up if you can.

My mom told me I should have taken a more positive approach. I try to do that. Buuut, people only stop ignoring me when I hit rock bottom and act pathetic. I don't mean to manipulate people like that, but, I always talk about the way I feel, and when I feel pathetic, it works. Hopefully I won't be feeling that way much anymore! Things are getting productive around here. We have material and we'll be taking action and hopefully it's all worthy of notice.

So, let's see, let's try to get back to this whole deal where I blog every day and post on Monday! It's Monday now, but the previous blog was posted on Friday, so we can wait. So, yeah, let's try to keep that in mind, anytime something TAPAS happens, that isn't a secret, I ought to talk about it.

TAPAS Phase Two approaches! Specifically, I want Better Yet? to be released with the improved veneer of Phase Two, so I have to finish things up as quickly as I can -- Podcasts 51 and 52, plus a few other things I think should be released while it's still Phase One; the last few Little Mermaid retrospectives, some Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator videos I made with Aramie ages ago, and the "Possessions" videos, about my apartment and everything in it, also filmed months ago, but motivation to edit just never came to me.

When Podcast 52 comes out, well, you'll know Phase Two when you see it, the entire look of TAPAS will change, you'll see stuff I've been holding back, saving for the milestone. And I hope that milestone arrives in just three weeks. Wish me luck...

Having some computer problems lately. Hardware getting older... I'm waiting until a milestone comes, namely the Better Yet? trailer, before I take it in to the shop. Hope I can afford to get it all fixed and that it doesn't take too long, so I can continue creating and releasing in not too long. And in addition to that, my video-editing software had an upgrade that took some adjusting to and is accompanied by some audio glitches they're working on fixing. Figured it out, mostly, but it requires me to be a bit more vigilant about videos coming together smoothly. I'd say that's a positive.

We've just cut a raw version of the trailer for Better Yet? That'll be out next Friday if all goes well. That was fun, picking out lines from the show, and... setting the mood.

I've reached out to the casts of Irregular Fantasy! and Keys & Kingdoms: The Choices, assembled long ago, hoping to reassemble them shortly. A handful haven't gotten back to me yet, but most have, and every one who's answered has given a very enthusiastic yes.

I also gave David Morgan-Mar a big portfolio of all Irregular Fantasy! material thus far. He wanted me to fill him in on precisely what it is we do around here, and I told him, you know, just some creative types... not in any professional or career capacity... just wanting to make stuff that people see. I'm sure he understands, you know, he started out by pointing his webcam at his hand-painted D&D miniatures and hasn't changed that setup very much in the past eighteen years. I'm sure he understands humble beginnings. Though, yes, I am rather nervous about him pulling the plug... I've put so much work and genuine passion into Irregular Fantasy! At this point it's the story I want to tell most, but... that's probably because the characters came pre-made, so it was easier to conceive of ideas. It's his property. And right now, he says he has to give it some thought. I am anxious beyond all reason. Just have to trust that things will go well.

Monday again now! This week, we're editing Better Yet? itself, assuming the trailer is finished promptly. And my mom and sisters are coming by for a visit, squeezing in a recording session for my sisters' dialogue in The Choices pilot and teasers. Meep, having two things going on at once like that and such small windows of time to get them done, that's crazy overwhelming. Planning it all out today is... physically heating my head, that's a new one.

1 comment:

  1. (Ayo, guess who actually signed in to comment this time lol) It's gonna be so cool to see stuff come together!
