Tuesday, February 1, 2022


Better Yet? is now available in audio podcast form! Why now? I'm not sure. I got the master file of the audio-only version some time ago. I looked into how to release it as a podcast, but decided I was too tired at that moment to complete the procedure and set January 18th as the date I would do so. I can't remember why I chose January 18th, I imagine some sort meeting or announcement took place regarding the show on that day last year, but, uhhhh, I don't really know.

Find it... well, here, for now, on Spotify. But Spotify is under fire right now, after such legends as Neil Young and Joni Mitchell gave them an ultimatum, telling them they must deplatform Joe Rogan and his disinformation, and... they chose Joe Rogan. So, yeah, that's shitty, I don't want my podcast there. It's on Anchor, in theory allowing me to release it on other platforms, so, I'd sure like all the good people leaving Spotify to be able to find it! And if removing the show from Spotify is an option, might do that as well. So, that's a thing I gotta look into, bit of a pain in the ass, only just released it as a purely audio thing, now I gotta seek out somewhere else to do so, but that doesn't sound like too much effort...

This week has been off to a tragic start, with the loss of one of the Jenfjord family cats, Tiger. 15 years old, he suffered a brain hemorrhage. The family gathered around, put him in his favorite sweater and blanket, and he was treated like a prince as he passed, happy and purring. My fiancee and her family are devastated, and I'm pretty shaken up too. Soft old boi. Naty's loss has brought her to some profound thoughts I hope I always remember. Soon it'll stop stinging quite so much, but it's not that time yet.

Getting excited for the end of this week... guess I'll know by the time this blog comes out if it all comes to pass, but what I'm expecting... is that Naty, Mason, and I will get together to finish writing the pilot episode for Irregular Fantasy! - if so, I'll be converting it to a proper screenplay by the time I release this blog. Very exciting~

Hmm, what have we here? It's a title page! Just finished it.

Er, the screenplay, that is. Not the title page.

In my typical style, I got super excited about an upcoming task and was like, well, we finished Part 1, I'll just write up a screenplay. Fortunately, unlike most things, that did not take a ton longer than I thought it would. And the meeting, as of this writing, is in one hour. All that remains in Part 2 is two climactic fight scenes - and they're outlined pretty thoroughly, I hope only to sift through them with both of my co-writers and see if we can't brainstorm a few extra jokes, lines of dialogue, character moments, and awesome fight moves. Might have a full two-part screenplay written by the time this blog post drops. Meanwhile, I continue to work on converting the results of the photoshoot into plans for the teaser's final art.

Meanwhile, we're working on concept art, on presentations - how to combine storyboards, photoshoots, and assets to start assembling the final art? - and series bibles, for guidance on how to write and design every bit of our two fantasy projects going forward. The fundraiser is also going very well, we've got nearly $300 now tucked away in my PayPal to up the art budget! Not entirely sure how far that'll get us in a process like this, but... somewhere for sure! It's wonderful to have donations.

And we did indeed finish the screenplay. Woo-hoo! Nope, not putting out anything more than the title page. Spoilers, you know! Want this story to be experienced properly, when it's done. So, I'm just gonna show the cast and invite them to a big reading party. If the script is satisfactory... I'm still piecing together how to move on from there, the aforementioned bible, but I tell ya, once I have plans like that organized, we'll be unstoppable.

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