Monday, February 14, 2022

So... now what...?

So, as far as Irregular Fantasy... been working on some concept art for various enemies and background townies, just havin' some fun there before we start thinking about some additional real characters, heh heh...

As far as its status, David Morgan-Mar is basically giving us full creative control, but we can't crowdfund anything or otherwise generate revenue from the property... so it'll basically be a very expensive fanfic! That's all right with me. It's the story I want to tell. Granted, that's kinda the opposite of what I hoped, I would have wanted to work with David on it, get his input, and then... you know... money.

But this works too. We'll just have to make sure its sister series, Keys & Kingdoms, stands on its own well enough that people are willing to pay for it! That's a challenge I'm willing to meet. And now, er... well, I suppose now there's no need to release both of their teasers simultaneously, that simplifies things a bit. We're free to, like... finish one.

By all rights, I should be prepared for such a thing, but I'm having a frustrating time, overall, getting myself in gear, moving forward with any aspect I have to do on my own. Week after week, I just kinda sit around, struggling to get more than a paragraph of actual production out there. I have to claw my way out of my own brain to get my fingers moving. I don't know why it works sometimes and doesn't other times. It just is what it is and I take my victories where I get them.

This week, though, I did record with my partners a nice long segment for the 54th TAPAS podcast, the 53rd having come out back in August, so... I certainly hope I can finish the rest of it so they can see what they contributed to!

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