Monday, March 14, 2022

Stacking agenda

Things are going pretty darn well, I gotta say. With my EMDR therapy, I've been able to break out of my head and actually, like, do stuff.

The first thing I did, well... I knew I'd need help in organizing all the stuff I'd fallen behind on in my projects. So I made a video which I called "The Stack" which listed it all. It took me three days, but it got done, I finished it, it's private for team eyes only... and that's how things have been going in general, things are taking a while, but I am very much working on things, which is an incredible improvement in the way I just kinda... don't do things? Unless somebody makes me?

That was kind of the subject of the video, wanting everybody to be in on what it is I'm trying to do, and getting everybody on board my schedule, trying to take it more seriously. I did over-extend myself a bit, I scheduled too much at once, fell behind, but... yeah. Falling behind by a few days each week feels so much better than just doing nothing month after month. It's been an amazing shift. Like... I can suddenly think.

So, what have I been thinking about? Well, there's assets that go beyond the teasers! I made a presentation about all the new characters we need for the pilot episodes, we're gonna prepare some pencil-sketchy concept art for them and then move on to their real designs.

Naty, Kenzie, and I have had a lot of fun putting together designs for background characters, and I started realizing, well, we probably need to think about designing some important characters too if we're gonna have any hope of getting stuff done after the teasers are done! So I put together a list of all further characters in the pilots, and tasked everyone on the team capable of holding a pencil to pick some characters and get to work on 'em!

But those are just characters, we need sets and props too. And, well, I'm starting to realize how ambitious it all is! But not so much that we can't fulfill my plan. As far as Irregular Fantasy!, I know I want a teaser out real soon and something, something, out on the last day of this year, this New Year's Eve being the 20th anniversary of Irregular Webcomic! - and at this point, I've given in and said to myself, okay, the six character shorts that come after the teaser? The first one will be what premieres on the 20th anniversary. It's not too ambitious, it's surely doable. And then with that cool milestone out of the way, we'll just... proceed. As we do.

Having finished the screenplay for the pilot, we did a reading of it last week! It was awesome. Sadly, we didn't have time to stop and discuss it scene by scene, I sure as hell hope we can do that sometime. I definitely want feedback before I go ahead and start producing the thing.

And just the other day, started working on a gaming series I've been dreaming about for ages - Mason, AJ, and I met up to get it started. Making gaming videos isn't at easy as you might think, as I learned several years ago when I attempted to assemble all the right hardware and procedures myself; last week, we were prepared for the possibility that we didn't have all the equipment needed, and we indeed did not, so we ordered some more, we'll check in again next week.

Quincy Community Theatre is doing Mame now - when the cast was announced, I made this little thing, spotlighting everyone who's on the TAPAS team, hehe.

When I first put this picture out, Jessie was quick to tell me that I didn't circle her, I circled someone else entirely. I quickly raced to fix the picture... got her now... what a feeling. Fee fi faux pas! She assured me it was okay, and I'm sure it is, but oy, a faux pas like that sticks in the back of your head for the rest of your life. XP

And the killer thing is, I was sure for the whole time I was working on this image that I hadn't gotten the right person, that I'd mistaken someone else for Jessie, but, well, that's exactly the kind of thing I'm always anxious about, so I didn't really take that thought seriously. For once, it was true. That's the sucky thing about anxiety - if you're scared of everything and always sure you're doing something wrong, how are you supposed to know when your instincts are correct??

Anyway, I'm still working on the stack and things are going pretty well for TAPAS. I'm trying to keep to important mantras: My grounding techniques. Working to audiobooks and playlists instead of new videos - I need background noise but I gotta have the self-control to use the kind that's familiar and not distracting instead of always searching for new and novel ones! No article reading or other distractions, just always on task. And overall, the message I try to tell myself when I feel like my next task is too much to handle: "Do it anyway." I don't really know where to put all those messages, there's not really any place that I look all the time where I'd see them...

So, yeah, overall, things are going at a terrific pace. I still can't focus all the time... if I could, this blog would have come out last week, but let me tell you, that there are times when I can focus? That I've been consistently productive every day for like three weeks? Freakin' phenomenal.

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