Friday, October 2, 2020

Daily Tasks: Day 17

A'ight... things are going better. Did some experiments with Zoom and seemed to finally figure out the way to make lovely videos with it! In the process, er... well, it's fairly late at night, I'm only partway through The Three Musketeers... yeah, didn't get far in today's to-do list, spent a lot of time working on the Zoom stuff with Naty and Kenzie. And then quite a bit socializing after, that was super-nice. You know, other things are important too.

So, let's see: productivity. What was on the agenda today?

Did a load of laundry and was going to finish cataloguing all of my clothes, see what's for my wardrobe in the future and which clothing I'm sick of because I've been wearing the same outfits for ten years and needs to be donated! After that, need to schedule a time to go to the store again, for even more fresh and new clothes plus some Halloween supplies.

Then the second installment of "Constructing Cosmos". That's overdue, I was planning on doing those every two days. Then emptying out my mini tape recorder like I do every day -- I record all my little ideas I have throughout the day, then at the end of the day I play the tape back and write everything down.

Then there was finishing podcast #44... and The Little Mermaid retrospective #4... and also retrospective #5 because I fell way behind schedule. And then adding those videos to the Projects section on the website and making a few other website tweaks.

Yeah... not gonna get all of that done tonight. I guess continuation of The Little Mermaid retrospective is gonna get pushed back another week, but the podcast can probably be finished by tomorrow, and everything else, very doable tonight. And I'm very super happy that we've mastered Zoom, so I'm calling today a success. Woot woot.

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