Saturday, October 3, 2020

Daily Tasks: Day 18

Today, I felt TAPAS had returned enough for me to bring back an old tradition that had been abandoned: my weekly TAPAS Saturday check-in! All the artists have returned to storyboarding... not enough to actually have anything to show me, but they're working on it. As far as Keys & Kingdoms world-building, well, I was going to post two more 'Constructing Cosmos' blogs today, that ain't gonna happen, I don't know when I'm gonna bring that back. I'll be diving into music for Irregular Fantasy on Monday morning. And tomorrow afternoon we're playing some You Don't Know Jack, starting a new tradition of Sunday afternoon Zoom meetings for all sorts of content.

One thing I wanted to do today was re-read a blog post from a couple of months ago -- the "Fresh and Clean" post, in which I gave myself a big to-do list. Let's take a look at that list and see which bits I still need to finish:
  • Vacation Photos: I did indeed post my vacation photos. Yay!
  • Crown of Wizards: I did indeed power through and read Crown of Wizards, and I did indeed finish Podcast #43. Looks like Podcast #44 is gonna be a week late, maybe a little more. Still, things are happening and that's good.
  • Stacy Stuff: Yup, I commented on a bunch of Stacy's videos and art, and I've been continuing to do so when she releases new stuff. Giving the gift of engagement.
  • Schedule: I did restructure the TAPAS to-do list. A number of times, actually, but I think I've finally -- finally -- found a final version we can keep using going forward.
  • Screenshots: The first item on the list I checked out: I am, in fact, able to take screenshots on Disney+, I don't know what gave other people trouble.
  • Rob Heinsoo: I have made contact with Rob Heinsoo. Obviously, he doesn't have a whole lot of time to spare for giving his cousin's best friend's nephew in-depth game-designing lessons, but at least I have that social connection, and... nothing else to say to him, that's a problem, I don't like that, I gotta do the "better friend" thing...
  • Documents: Well, obviously, this is a massive undertaken. Going through everything I've ever written, every plan I've ever had, and sorting through them for an organized life, is going to be an all-day endeavor. I think maybe I can do it on Friday.
  • Playlist: I have not worked on my playlist. And I've been getting warnings for a couple of weeks that Google Music will be discontinued and to switch to YouTube Music. Haven't gotten around to it. Might be too late, might not be able to convert, might have to recreate my playlist from scratch. Which is okay, fortunately I made the decision to keep a meticulous record of my playlist.
  • Doctor: Well... I haven't gone back to Wisconsin. And my doctor has given up on calling me. This one is... I guess no longer applies. The plan is now to go to Quincy and find a new doctor there.
  • Podcast 43/Cast Announcement: As mentioned, I did finish podcast #43. As for the cast announcement video, well... the cast was chosen like four months ago and then the entire project fell by the wayside, so I think before I make a super-official cast announcement, I need to get back to Quincy, book the recording studio, and then double-check if the original announced cast are still available. Then announce the cast. Really can't say if the original cast maintains their interest in the project because, as I may have mentioned before, no one ever friggin' talks to me in the TAPAS Facebook group.
  • Videos: I still haven't posted my vacation videos from last winter. Damn it...
  • ERB: I did show my mom the last five episodes of ERB. Apparently, two more are coming this month. Yay!
  • UEBS: As I said, this one was done before that to-do list before was even posted. Well, kind of. We filmed the video, I still haven't edited and posted it. Getting to it.
  • House Hunting: Something my mom and I are going to start working on together later this week, along with searching for the qualifications for my career as a vet tech. Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen...
  • The Mechanisms: I listened to the first album/story by the Mechanisms and I'm excited to discover more.
  • Irregular Fantasy: I've done my best to recreate all the lost story data I had put together, but I just can't remember how it all fit together before. Think I'm gonna have to put a team together. At the very least, I have begun working on those promotional trailers. Gonna be makin' some music soon!
  • Kingdom Butts: Hmm, have not gotten back to that, neither making the Kingdom Hearts plot summaries nor actually working on the parody story...
  • Icewind Dale: Haven't gotten around to that. I at least need to play for one hour to blow the dust off, I last played the game a year ago...
  • Dungeon Siege: Not gonna get back to that game until the aforementioned revitalizing of Icewind Dale. Come on, it's gotta happen eventually...
  • Fanfiction: Nope, haven't gotten back to that, maybe tomorrow.
  • SSKV Pilot: Nope, not gotten to it, it's on the list... most of these that aren't done yet are on the list, that's a relief at least.
  • Droon Fantasy Cast: Got this video prepped, ready to finish it...
  • K&K: The Choices: As mentioned above, we are back to storyboarding this pilot. I'm hoping it's done by the end of the year.
  • K&K: Explore Cosmos: Well, we know what's going on there: I'm dissecting these and putting them here on the blog. I'm beginning to think the world is completely unworkable.
  • Iris World and Story Arc: Gonna get to that eventually, after the SSKV pilot script. It'll be followed by an Iris pilot script, I feel like creating these two stories completely in harmony.
  • Whirlwind Reboot: I spent a good portion of the second half of August working on this... and only this. I just wanted to finish my preparation before I moved on to anything else. Thought it would take me a couple of hours. After three straight weeks and finding myself less than a quarter of the way done, I decided to move on and get back to work on other things. Have not yet found the moment to go back to doing fragments of the reboot.
  • Blogging: Well, this daily tasks thing has certainly been a rollercoaster! I'll stop doing it in a couple of days and go back to making blog posts on just Mondays.
  • Podcasting: Did one. Next one turned out a week late, maybe more. Hate myself.
  • Retrospectives: Nope, haven't gotten around to finding the rhythm for those either...
  • Exercising: That's been going okay. Me and Mom walked every day. And then we didn't. I've gone on a couple of runs today. But they've been very dissatisfying, I can't go without Mom or I'll get lost, so I haven't been going very far. And Mom, well... she's always tired from work, so when she gets home, it's very difficult to coax her into helping me with any of the things I may need her help with when I'm staying with her. So any of the shopping and exercising and planning for the future I need to do, for which I need her help, hence the reason I go to her house in the first place, it gets delayed, day after day after day. Oh, and then she blames me for her lethargy and depression, saying it only happens when I'm around, figure that out.
  • Meditating: Nope. Can't be done. Anyone who's ever said they've meditated is a damn liar.
  • Being a Better Friend: Going horribly. It'd be going a heckton better if anyone in the TAPAS Facebook group would friggin' talk to me so I could, well, talk to them.
Well, that should do it. Right now I'm thinking... there's no way I'll ever accomplish anything, I'm completely worthless and I'll never have a real life. I'm unworkable and unfixable. I'll probably feel better in the morning. And then suicidal despair again in the afternoon, that's just the way it works.

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