Monday, October 5, 2020

Daily Tasks: Day 20

Okay, this will be the final Daily Tasks update. I've done 20 of them, that's a nice even number, and it's Monday, which used to be the day I would update my blog normally. So, seems like a good place to stop. From now on, instead of blogging daily about what I'm up to in the TAPAS universe, I think I'll tweet daily instead. Blog posts will go back to being just a Monday thing.

Okie-dokie, I've edited the video we made yesterday... gonna post it today, why not, it's done, why would I wait until the end of the week? The first Jackbox video of the autumn 2020 season releases today.

I suppose I should mention what's going on with Keys & Kingdoms: The Choices, you know, that one was supposed to be pretty much done by now. I guess back in June, I was anticipating moving to Quincy first thing in July... but, I simply couldn't find a place, so I couldn't go there and I couldn't book the recording studio and I couldn't record the voices. Even more depressingly, at around the same time every single person who was working on the storyboards fell off the wagon. But we're back now! They're all drawing again, and I'm, well, not quite house-hunting yet. My mom's gonna help me with that. On Thursday.

Got some music and other brainstorming set up for Irregular Fantasy. Let me tell you a little bit more about what I've got going on there: well, for starters, Casey did some character designs, which I made into this fun little height chart because, I don't know, I'm whimsical I guess.

Currently, I'm having Casey do a pretty thorough redesign of Draak, I don't think her first go was quite fearsome enough. She's also doing a few minor tweaks to the equipment designs, and when I showed this height chart to David Morgan-Mar, author of the original comic, he commented that he doesn't think Lambert's face should be so quite chubby. So, I guess we'll put that on the list of little modifications to make before we get around to modeling these characters. Not that TAPAS currently has anyone with any experience whatsoever in 3D modeling or animation... but I'm looking. Technically, we have Kenzie's sister Lindsey, but she's like a real animator, doesn't have time to contribute that skill to the technically non-existent startup that is TAPAS, but she's provided some consultations about what sort of time and resources we'd need to make it happen.

You see, what I'm hoping for here is a project which, unlike most of TAPAS's animated projects, is actually animated. For most projects, I'm shooting for a fancy animatic, but that won't do here, I want this one to be in CGI. Here's our goal for this project: six musical teaser trailers, akin to the four that premiered ahead of the first volume of RWBY, that demonstrate the six characters. I want the first one to premiere on December 31, 2022, the 20th anniversary of Irregular Webcomic, and the second one a week later, the 20th anniversary of the Fantasy theme that introduced these characters. And the ideal would be for the other four to follow over the course of the following four weeks, but that's not essential, I just for sure want to make those two anniversaries.

So, I've got some guys working on the music for these trailers, just got the ball truly rolling on that front this morning. Recently, I've also come up with an idea for a pre-trailer, an incredibly short and bare-bones thing to release ASAP to basically prove that we've had these characters modeled and animated and are gonna do some stuff with 'em. I think I'll write that as soon as I'm done here.

Then there's the pilot and the future storyline. Had it once, deleted it by accident a couple months ago, went back to the drawing board recently and couldn't quite remember how all my story ideas fit together... 

What I think I'll be doing for the plot of the story is build it around the Crown of Power, an item from the background of the original Irregular Webcomic storyline. The Crown of Power used to contain ten Soul Gems, most prominently the Ruby of Dwarven Might, which drives the plot of the original run of the comic. At the end of that original run, four of the other Soul Gems are name-dropped, and I recently asked David if he could perhaps slip me the names of the other five to help me construct my adaptation. He confessed that he only had vague ideas of what the other five might be, so I think I'll turn that task over to Naty, I'd say she's the gemstone expert of the squad. We'll come up with our own lineup of the other half of the Soul Gems.

So, what else have I got going on today? Well, I think I can post a Constructing Cosmos blog post later today. I do so need to finish Podcast #44, it's a week overdue and I'm gonna need some luck and dedication to make sure it's just a week overdue. And then, uh... I suppose I should put away these clean clothes that have been lying around for days...

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