Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Daily Tasks: Day 1

Had a big revelation yesterday, when I stepped away from my computer for 40 minutes and almost instantly starting undergoing agony all throughout my body and mind and simply couldn't keep my head up or my eyes open.

So I took a nap, took a shower, and took a walk, swearing all the while that I was going to stay away from screens from now on, as often as I possibly can. Need to detox from the addiction, it seems. And that night I made a plan. A daily plan. And this time I'm going to work through the fog of my scrambled mind and get it done. I have about two weeks of plans -- each day centered around three things: a necessary life task, something on my to-do list from the previous post, and one of the TAPAS projects, all of which have been dormant for about six months. After those two weeks, I hope to fall into a rhythm of just... getting things done every day, as scheduled.

Today's task is finishing Podcast #43. I read the old fanfics, I watched the 1993 Disney films, but this single Droon book, Crown of Wizards, has been a thorn in my side, I've only managed to complete two chapters in the past six months.

Until today. As of this writing, I'm halfway through the book. More progress to come.

As it's currently after 11 at night and, while I have finished reading Crown of Wizards, I'm not done writing the recap and review, so... no podcast today. Behind schedule already. I'm terrified beyond belief. Need to breathe. I can just keep going tomorrow.

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