Monday, September 28, 2020

Daily Tasks: Day 13

Had a huge breakdown last night that kept me up until well after three in the morning. I may have threatened to kill myself if TAPAS didn't have some huge amazing breakthrough within a week. I retract that...

There's just so damn much to do with all these TAPAS projects, and the idea of not doing all of them at once is unthinkable. I just need to find a way.

So, I think from now on, now that it's Monday and I've once again rewritten the entire to-do list because it didn't get done the previous week -- I can't begin to express how frustrated I am that I have to do that every week, or how much I loathe myself for it -- I think I'll open these blogs by explaining everything that's supposed to be done today.

In this case, Podcast #44. It's due tomorrow and I've done nothing about it all week. So today is just the podcast. Have to complete all of those viewing and reading tasks all at once. Also today, I have a massage appointment and apparently we're going to the electronics store, where I hope to pick up some headphones and a webcam, needed for making some videos. And I really need to get my damn voter registration in the mail, I filled it out like a week ago.

Okay, I didn't really get that done... found myself doing a lot of prep work for all the Zoom watch parties and gaming videos I'm gonna start doing. Well, you know... now I don't have to do that stuff later. Still gonna watch Nightmare tonight, and then, yes, I think I can do the reading and watching The Three Musketeers first thing in the morning and still get the podcast out in time. Let's try not to cut it that close next time, pal...

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