Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Daily Tasks: Day 8

Okay, been prepping for various projects... haven't gone for a walk in a while. You really gotta do it every day...

Premiered this today, some Choices artwork I commissioned a few months ago. Hoped to give it more fanfare, but things don't always work out that way.

As we speak, Brian, who composed the songs for the Choices pilot, has been forced to admit that he just doesn't have the time to compose with me anymore, so he's introducing me to a friend of his who might be able to do the heavy lifting, while Brian himself... consults, I suppose. Notates. We'll see how that goes. I love music, and want to have a lot of it in my projects, lots of original stuff, but, don't know the first thing about it, and finding someone to help me out there has been extremely difficult over the years. At this point, I don't know how I managed to write half of a musical the way I did, I don't think I could replicate that feat. But yeah, got Robert in the crew now, seems promising!

Meanwhile, I've been looking at the Keys & Kingdoms universe, you know, it's supposed to be D&D meets Disney, but looking at the world I've set up so far, it's basically just a generic D&D setting with a couple of homebrew races. There's very little Disney-esque whimsy and even less originality. I think the best thing to do right now would be to throw out all the D&D-related preconceived notions and build a magic system from the ground up. That's going to be a challenge, especially since we nearly finished writing an entire season of a story taking place in the D&D-esque version of the universe...

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