Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Daily Tasks: Day 6

I hurt myself shortly after posting yesterday's entry. I was just so angry at the realization that I failed... I took my anger out on the only target who truly deserved the punishment, and brought my fists to my head as hard as I could, and as many times as I could.

This daily posting about my progress thing, it's not going to work, is it? Shaming myself by revealing daily that I'm getting nothing done, it's not going to work. No amount of shame or punishment is ever going to prevent me from being completely useless. I can't even self-harm properly, I just punched and slapped myself around, too much of a limp noodle to go for my nose or teeth or cut myself. Pathetic.

And, jeez, I didn't actually finish and post this last night like I was supposed to. I guess after doing nothing well into the midnight hour, I was too wiped out.

So, okay, finishing the podcast this morning. Hmm, it's very nearly 9:00. For a moment, I thought that the few days' delay might be a good chance to resume posting the podcast every Tuesday. Perhaps every Tuesday at exactly 10:00, which the YouTube algorithm likes, or so I've heard. But no way I can edit and post it in just an hour, so, er... no problem, didn't have to be 10:00, I kind of pulled that out of thin air, so whenever I do finish the thing, that's when I post it in coming weeks. Yeah, I think I'm going to shoot for weekly podcast updates, every Tuesday, starting immediately. We'll see how that goes. Despite the voice in my head absolutely screeching that it'll never happen. It could.

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