Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Daily Tasks: Day 14

Well, let's see, it's 2:50 in the afternoon, and I've spent the entire day so far working on completely different projects from the ones on my to-do list. With two movies to watch, I think it's physically impossible to finish the podcast on time. Aaaagggh, I hate myself. All right, whatever, I'll post it whenever I finish it and hope I finish next week's podcast on time.

It is now after 6:00 and I've only barely started the movie. I am so full of hot burning rage at myself. But, hey, it's The Nightmare Before Christmas and I'm watching it now. I'm having a good time.

And now it's 9:45, still not done with the movie. Delightfully short movie, Nightmare, a scant hour and 18 minutes, BUT, extremely imaginative, so I'm constantly having to pause it to take notes on how its concepts might be reinterpreted into the Keys & Kingdoms universe. Guess I'm not finishing the podcast tonight after all.

Ah, well. Guess it's just time to move the rest of the podcast tasks to tomorrow, and everything else I was gonna do today to later in the week. C'est la vie. I'm actually not quite so angry about it anymore, it is what it is. Fortunately, the other movie is the 1993 adaptation of The Three Musketeers. As a historical film with no fantasy elements (unless Disney took some shocking liberties with the source material, wouldn't know, haven't seen it) it probably won't provide quite so many inspirational moments for me to jot down.

Gosh, what the heck was I doing all day that I didn't get started on my actual tasks until 6:00 in the evening? Ah, now I remember: I'd had a brainwave about The Trivia Box and had to write it all down.

Story time: late last year Mom took me to the Denver Museum of Art. At the gift shop, I bought two little boxes. One of them was entitled 100 Awesome Plans, and it's long been my intention to open the box and start implementing the plans the moment I'm living in my own home, making a vlog out of one of the items every week. I intended to alternate between the "home" and the "away" halves of the box, but, can't do much "away" stuff right now. I guess I'll just do all 50 "home" ones and then, well, hopefully after 50 weeks the pandemic will be over. God willing, and when I say "God", I mean "vote Biden 2020". God helps those who help themselves.

The other was just a box of cards with trivia questions on them, and I thought, hmm, what if in Quincy I make some videos where some friends and I sit around and quiz each other? We can call it The Trivia Box. Well, then I thought... what if we make it a little bit more than that, a real game show? I asked Brandon, the creative director at Quincy Community Theatre, about it, and he thought it would be a great idea for an official QCT project, to keep the community and entertainment going while full live theatre still isn't safe. Just think, a QCT/TAPAS co-production! That would be so cool.

So, I spent a bit too much of today brainstorming ideas for games that can be played on The Trivia Box -- I picture it as so much more than just trivia questions, I'm thinking ridiculous challenges too. I've been scouring videos of Whose Line Is It Anyway? as well as episodes of Rooster Teeth's improv show, On the Spot, and games Jimmy Fallon plays with his guests on The Tonight Show. Mostly looking for improv games you can objectively win and earn points from... there aren't a whole lot of those. But, you know, doesn't have to be all improv... trivia too... crazy challenges... I've got a handful of fantastic ideas and I hope when the collaboration begins properly, QCT can provide me with a writer's room where we can come up with all sorts of ridiculous nonsense for QCT regulars to go through. Yay!

After that, I did some fantasizing about updating the TAPAS website:

...I suppose anyone reading this post in the future will require some context, as I assume the website will be updated pretty soon.

At the moment (and, I'm assuming, the indefinite future, but you never know), the website's got two sections, People and Projects. As of this writing, there are six projects, and four People categories: Team Salmon (five people), Theatre Scene (eight people), Family Members (three people), and Others (one person). Several of the people have their list of TAPAS credits reading "to be announced" -- this is because at an earlier point, the Projects list included every project I had planned, and everyone I knew for a fact was attached to such a project was on the website. Having cut down the Projects list to just the ones that are already out there in the world, that left a couple of people with no actual credits, but, I didn't want to get rid of their profiles.

Anyway, I've always had a list of projects I want to work on... used to be right there in public on the website, now it's more private, and I've got a big old to-do list, and I'll start adding those projects to the website once they're definitely on their way. What I wanted to do today was fantasize about future additions to the People section... and so, I did. I hope everyone who plays a major role in the creation of a TAPAS project ends up on the website even if they don't stick around and keep working with us long-term. It'll be an amazing compilation of people! And, yeah, there are so many people in the world I'd like to work with, I figured it'd be helpful to make a comprehensive list to remind me.

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